Finding software developers in Ukraine

Discover how to find top software developers in Ukraine, including job search websites, professional programmer sites, and IT recruitment agencies. Contact us to learn more.

Finding software developers in Ukraine

After reading this article you will learn how to find software developers in Ukraine and how to close your vacancies with the best candidates as quickly as possible.

How can you find software developers in Ukraine?

The first thing that comes to mind when you need to do a search for software developers is to post a vacancy on the Internet.

Next you will find out on which sites you can do search for software developers.

Job search websites

The main sites for finding employees in Ukraine are: - is a job and employee search portal that is part of the Polish company

This site offers vacancies from completely different categories, including sales, marketing, finance, IT, law and other activities.

There are quite a few vacancies in the IT section.

Perhaps you can attract someone using this resource. - is another popular resource for job placement. Like, this site does not have a specific specialization and offers different vacancies. At the time of writing this article, there were 1,947 vacancies in the IT section of the site. - site for job search offers current vacancies of reliable companies in Ukraine and abroad. This site, like previous ones, has no specialization and offers to place a vacancy in different categories.

Professional sites for programmers is a portal for Ukrainian software developers where different topical topics are discussed.

One section of the portal is dedicated to searching for IT staff - there you can post your vacancy. - is a platform for software developers where they can place code, manage projects, and develop software.

The site has over 50 million registered users.

In the Jobs section you can place your vacancies.

Stack Overflow - is the largest community for software developers, where they can learn and share their knowledge, as well as develop their careers.

At the time of writing this article, only 12 vacancies for developers in Ukraine were posted on this site.

When searching for software developers in Ukraine, you need to understand certain IT recruiting traits.

Traits of IT recruitment in Ukraine

Lots of vacancies

As you saw in the screenshots presented above, there are quite a lot of vacancies in the IT field.

Candidates quickly find jobs

So you don’t have a lot of time for multiple interviews and many different tests.

In today’s IT labour market, decisions need to be made fairly quickly.

Programming technologies and languages

The most popular technologies for software development are .Net, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, C++.

.Net Framework - is a software platform released by Microsoft in 2002. To develop applications, you needed a Windows operating system.

This platform was replaced by .Net Core, a modular platform for open source software development.

It is compatible with operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. The platform has its own community on GitHub.

It supports the following programming languages: C#, Visual Basic . NET (partially) and F#.

Desktop, web, mobile and embedded applications

Desktop applications - are applications that are installed on desktop computers or laptops.

Web applications - are applications that are stored on a remote server and run through a browser.

Mobile application - is a computer program that runs on mobile phones, watches and tablets.

Embedded software (built-in software) - is located inside the device and performs a specific function. Embedded software can work under the operating system and without it.

Software Developers in Ukraine

Developers can be divided into several main categories - Frontend Developer, Backend Developer, Full stack Developer, Embedded Developer, Mobile Developer.

Frontend Developer 

develops part of the software that is visible to the user. It uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Popular technologies for front end development today are Angular, React and Vue.

Backend Developer 

focuses on databases, scripts and application architecture. The code written by Backend Developer transmits information from the databases to the browser.

Popular technologies for Backend development are . Net, Java, JavaScript (NODE.JS), Python and others.

Embedded Developer

The primary responsibility of embedded systems developer is to write software that supports hardware functionality for a wide range of devices, from handheld devices such as telephones and tablets to sophisticated hardware, which is used in the medical, transportation and defense industries.

Mobile Developer

specializes in mobile technologies such as Google’s Android applications, Apple’s iOS, and Microsoft’s Windows Phone platforms.

Mobile developers learn the programming languages and software development environment for the selected platform.

The official development language for Android is Java. Most of Android is written in Java, and its API interfaces are designed to be called mostly from Java. It is possible to develop an application on C and C ++ using the Native Development Kit (NDK) for Android, but Google does not promote it.

Swift - is a versatile, multi-paradigmatic, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, OOS, tvOS, Linux and z / OS. Swift is designed to work with the Apple Cocoa and Cocoa Touch platforms and the large amount of existing Objective-C code written for Apple products.

QA Engineers

Manual QA Engineer 

is a specialist who conducts software testing to detect bugs and vulnerabilities for further programmer correction.

Automation QA Engineer

automate the testing process. This is a product quality specialist who uses software to create tests and test results.

IT recruitment agencies

Anyone can cook at home, but someone prefers to eat in a restaurant.

You can search for Software Developers in Ukraine on your own or you can use IT recruitment agency.

What are the advantages of working with IT recruiting agencies?

The candidate base.

If the agency has long been on the market, it can boast a small base of resume. This will make it possible to find the right candidates more quickly than in the absence of such a base.Market knowledge. 

Information about what is happening in the labour market, including salaries, companies, employees is very important and helps to attract better candidates and to close vacancies faster.Speed of closing the vacancy. 

This paragraph follows from the preceding paragraphs. With a pool of candidates, knowledge of the market and professional approaches to finding and selecting candidates, agencies are able to conduct searches fairly quickly.

IT recruitment agency is an agency that receives payment from employers.

IT recruiting agencies' payment structures

Next we will consider the most popular payment options from IT recruiting agencies.

Prepayment + payment after the candidate’s joins a company

Advantages - you get a guarantee that the agency will dig up the market and find candidates.

Disadvantages - you pay in advance.

Success based

Payment after the candidate joins a company.

The advantage is that you pay nothing if the job is not closed. Disadvantages - if the job opening is complicated, the agency will not spend much time on it.


50% is paid when a candidate joins a company and 50% after a probationary period.

 Advantages - you do not risk anything, because you pay only for the result + you have a guarantee that you will pay the full cost only if the candidate passes the probation period.

Disadvantages - if the agency has orders from customers with better terms, your vacancies will be handled on a residual basis.

Is it possible to name the best IT recruiting agencies in Kyiv? 

It is probably rather subjective and everyone has their own "best". 


Looking to find software developers in Ukraine? There are many options available, including job search websites and professional programmer sites. Ukraine is known for its strong IT recruitment industry and expertise in various programming technologies and languages.

To make the search easier, consider working with an IT recruitment agency with expertise in Ukraine, Europe and the CIS region. Contact us to learn more and book a call.

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