Solidity Auditor / Developer

Our client engaged us to find several Solidity Auditors / Developers to strengthen their team.

Локація пошуку



Company from UAE that specialises in crypto projects
Solidity Auditor / Developer

Details of the search:

We had to find a person who had the following experience: 

- Blockchain application development on Ethereum

- Experience deploying smart contracts and tokens in Solidity

- Familiar with Dev Methodologies – Agile + Scrum

- JavaScript + NodeJS

- Server Administration - AWS + Linux

- API Integration experience


- Internal quality control and audit of smart contracts with the Automation tests + Truffle + Mocha + Chai will be your main responsibility

- Ethereum smart contract development (Solidity + Truffle)

Candidates’ pipeline:

Our client was willing to consider candidates from any country, so we searched all over the world. We contacted more than 300 candidates, recommended 20 candidates and closed 4 vacancies.

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