IT recruiting Kyiv: The main reasons to hire software developers in Kyiv

Discover the benefits of hiring software developers in Kyiv. Learn about the city's technical universities, English proficiency, and favorable geographical location.

IT recruiting Kyiv: The main reasons to hire software developers in Kyiv

In this article, we review why and how to hire software developers, QA Engineers, DevOps, and other IT specialists in Kyiv. IT recruiting Kyiv is a very popular topic because of the following reasons.

Technical Universities

There are many technical universities in Kyiv that train IT specialists, including

  • National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute",
  • National Aviation University,
  • National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy",
  • Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, and others.

This is why IT companies with offices in Kyiv can hire new talents for engineering roles every year.

Square of Independence, Kyiv, Ukraine

Geographical location

Kyiv has long been located at the crossroads of important roads. Today, the city is crossed by international highways and railways.

Kyiv is located relatively close to the main cities of the world. For example, the flight from London to Kyiv takes about 3 hours, from New York to Kyiv takes about 12 hours.


Most children in schools and universities study English, so it shouldn't be difficult for you to find IT professionals who speak English.

This is why there are thousands of IT companies in Kyiv, Ukraine, including big outsourcing companies as Epam, SoftServe, GlobalLogic, Luxoft, Ciklum, NIX, Infopulse, DataArt.

IT recruiting Kyiv: main methods  

Depending on the urgency of vacancies and your resources, you can use different methods of searching for IT personnel in Kyiv.

Job boards

One of the simplest methods is to use job boards to attract active candidates.

Job boards are good for recruiting junior and sometimes middle IT specialists.  

Popular job boards in Ukraine are following:

The probability to find senior-level specialists on job boards are very low.

This is why if you are looking for a Senior Software Engineer it is better to use the next method - LinkedIn.


LinkedIn is a professional social network. According to Next Business Academy, there are more than 2 million registered users from Ukraine.  

Using LinkedIn search you can approach candidates with the required experience and present them your vacancies.

In order to cover as many suitable specialists as possible, you may either add new connections to your professional network or use LinkedIn advertising tools.

It takes time to approach candidates using different methods that we covered so far.

If you don't have in-house recruiters you may work with an IT recruitment agency in Kyiv.

IT recruiting agencies

IT recruiting agencies may help you hire IT specialists.

Working with IT recruiting agencies you may save your time and money and don't hire the wrong people.

Local recruitment agencies with IT recruitment experience know the market and own a database of candidates. So they can recommend you suitable candidates in a timely manner.

One of the main reasons to work with an IT recruiting agency is to connect with people who don't visit job boards but are ready to review interesting professional opportunities.

Recruiting agencies may find and contact these people on your behalf.

Some people demonstrate an interest in your vacancy and send their CVs.

The recruiting agency passes these candidates through a selection process and you receive several candidates that meet your expectations and want to work at your company.


Kyiv, Ukraine offers numerous advantages for businesses looking to hire top-quality software developers. With a strong network of technical universities, a high level of English proficiency, and a favorable location, Kyiv is an excellent location to recruit IT talent.

Our IT recruiting agency specializes in connecting businesses with the best software developers in Kyiv and across Ukraine. Contact us today to learn more and find the talent your company needs."

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Кожна компанія стикається з власними труднощами під час пошуку співробітників. Розкажіть нам про конкретні проблеми, з якими ви зіштовхуєтесь під час пошуку кращих фахівців, чи то нестача кваліфікованих кандидатів, конкурентний ринок, чи тривалий процес найму.

Як наш індивідуальний підхід може вирішити ваші конкретні потреби.

В рекрутингу не існує універсального рішення. Ми спробуємо зрозуміти ваші унікальні проблеми та цілі, а потім налаштуємо наші послуги для їх ефективного вирішення.

Персоналізований план залучення та утримання кращих талантів.

Після того, як ми зрозуміємо ваші конкретні потреби, ми розробимо персоналізований план підбору персоналу. Цей план визначає стратегії та тактику, які ми будемо використовувати для залучення найкращих кандидатів на ваші вакансії, забезпечуючи плавний та ефективний процес найму.