Ukraine Software Developer Salary in 2024

Discover salaries of software developers in Ukraine and how they compare across different technologies and cities.

Ukraine Software Developer Salary in 2024

How much do software developers make in Ukraine? This is probably one of the most commonly asked questions.

The answer isn't as simple as people think because there are a lot of variables that have to be taken into consideration.

Impact of the Russian Aggression

The ongoing war in Ukraine has undoubtedly impacted the IT job market. Here's a breakdown of some key factors to consider:

  • Relocation of IT Specialists: Due to the war, some IT professionals have relocated to other countries. This has reduced the overall pool of available talent in Ukraine.
  • Hiring Freeze by Some Companies:  Fearing instability, some companies have temporarily paused hiring in Ukraine. This has led to a decrease in job vacancies.
  • Shift in Salary Expectations:  With fewer vacancies available, some IT specialists in Ukraine may be more open to negotiating salaries. Their current priority might be securing stable, long-term employment rather than maximizing immediate compensation.

What This Means for You:

  • Potential for Cost Savings:  The current situation could present an opportunity to hire skilled Ukrainian developers, DevOps engineers, QA specialists, and UI/UX designers at potentially more competitive rates.
  • Focus on Long-Term Fit:  While salary negotiations might be more flexible, prioritizing cultural fit and long-term career goals for both the candidate and your company remains crucial.

Additional Considerations:

  • Resilience of the Ukrainian IT Industry: It's important to acknowledge the remarkable resilience and adaptability of the Ukrainian IT industry. Despite the challenges, a significant portion of the industry continues to operate and deliver high-quality work.
  • Long-Term Benefits of Hiring Ukrainian Talent:  Looking beyond the immediate situation, hiring Ukrainian IT professionals can offer long-term benefits.  The country boasts a strong tradition of technical education and a growing pool of highly skilled graduates. By investing in Ukrainian talent now, you can build strong relationships with a motivated workforce poised for continued success.

Overall, the current situation in Ukraine can be an opportune time to find talented and motivated IT professionals. However, it's important to approach recruitment with a focus on building strong, sustainable working relationships that benefit both your company and the Ukrainian talent pool.

Salaries of Frontend Developers in Ukraine (React, Angular, Vue, JavaScript)

Currently, the average salary of a frontend developer in Ukraine ranges from $800 to $8000, depending on the experience of a specialist. With the rapid increase in demand for developers on the market, the salaries of JavaScript specialists have also increased significantly over the past few years.

Junior Frontend Developer Salary in Ukraine

A junior frontend developer is a specialist who has only started his path in programming and has no experience at all or less than 1 year of experience. A junior front-end developer should know HTML5 and CSS3, as well as JavaScript and its frameworks. Such a specialist usually receives $800-$1300 per month.

Middle Frontend Developer Salary in Ukraine

A middle front-end developer is a programmer with 2-3 years of work experience and good knowledge of JavaScript and its frameworks. The average salary of such a specialist is $1500-$3500 per month.

Senior Frontend Developer Salary in Ukraine

The senior frontend developer has 4+ years of experience and extensive knowledge of JavaScript frameworks and libraries (React, Angular, Vue). The average salary of such a specialist ranges from $4500-$6500 per month.

Frontend Tech Lead / Architect Salary in Ukraine

The frontend lead/architect has 5+ years of experience and extensive knowledge of JavaScript frameworks and libraries (React, Angular, Vue), experience in building architecture and leading development teams. The average salary of such a specialist ranges from $6000-$8000 per month.

Also, you may read this article If you are looking for a web developer.

Salaries of Backend Developers (C#, Java, Python, PHP, Golang)

Back-end development has always been in high demand. The rise of mobile apps has increased the need for back-end developers as well because now there are more devices in need of back-end infrastructure.

Back-end developers create functional server-side applications that enable smooth front-end operation. These professionals write and test code, troubleshoot problems, and integrate applications with third-party web services and databases.

Back-end developers usually work with front-end developers to ensure the website or application is user-friendly, but they may also work on the server-side independently.

Average Salaries of Backend Developers in Ukraine by programming language:

C# (junior $800-1500, middle $1500-3500, senior $4000-6000) - additionally, in this article we described tips for finding C# Developer.

Java (junior $800-1500, middle $1500-3500, senior $5000-7000)

Python (junior $800-1500, middle $1500-3500, senior $4000-6000)

PHP (junior $800-1500, middle $1500-3500, senior $3500-5500)

Golang (junior $800-1500, middle $1500-3500, senior $5000-8000)

How do software developer salaries differ across different cities in Ukraine?

There are five popular cities for software development outsourcing across Ukraine: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipro, and Odesa. In general, salaries for software developers in these five cities are very similar.

Before COVID-19 salaries of software developers from different cities of Ukraine varied because the majority of companies hired for office jobs. So developers to find a job had to move to Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, or another city.

During the pandemic, many companies started to work with developers remotely so the location didn't really matter anymore.


While Ukraine traditionally offered competitive salaries for software developers compared to other European countries, the ongoing war has undoubtedly impacted the IT job market. Here's what you need to consider:

  • Shifting Salary Expectations: Due to a decrease in job vacancies, some IT specialists in Ukraine may be more open to negotiating salaries, prioritizing stable employment over maximizing immediate compensation.
  • Cost of Living: The cost of living remains an important factor, particularly in light of potential relocations within Ukraine.
  • Long-Term Value:  Despite the current challenges, Ukrainian IT talent remains highly skilled and motivated. Investing in Ukrainian developers can offer long-term benefits for your company.

Looking for Top IT Talent in Ukraine & Europe?

The current situation in Ukraine presents a unique opportunity to hire highly skilled and motivated IT professionals, including Software Developers, DevOps Engineers, QA Specialists, and UI/UX Designers.

Partner with MindHunt, a leading IT recruitment agency, to:

  • Access a wider pool of talented candidates in Ukraine and Europe.
  • Benefit from potentially competitive hiring rates.
  • Build a strong, long-term IT team with cultural fit.

Contact MindHunt today for a free consultation!

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